Beginner female runway models make less money than models that have experience. The average wage for a female runway model can range from $ 250 -$1,000 an hour per runway walk. The annual salary of a top runway or print model can exceed $500,000. Costs of travel, transportation, food, hotels, etc. are deducted from the model's pay. Contract supermodels for larger cosmetic brands are generally paid $300,000 to $2 million a year, depending on exclusivity and the amount of days the model is expected to work.
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Some models are employed for their particularly attractive body parts. For example, hand models may be used to promote products held in the hand and nail-related products. They are frequently part of television commercials. Hand model, Ashly Covington has worked on television commercials that are shown around the world. Another hand model, Kimbra Hickey, found fame after being featured on the cover of Twilight.
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